Is There Anything Better Than Beating Your Competition?

Business is booming. You’re beating the pants off the competition and profitability has never been better. But there still might be a nagging question in the back of your mind — do you find what you do really, truly fulfilling? Does it meet your sense of purpose? Are you doing something you really believe in?
For many people, their job gives them a sense of purpose in life. And although many believe they have a sense of purpose, they may find it difficult to articulate exactly what it is. Here are some things to look at to help you define your sense of purpose and determine whether what you do is fulfilling it.
Define your strengths.
Think about your skills and what you are good at doing. Doing what you do best can give you a sense of purpose.
Do a little self-analysis to determine what your talents are. Are you getting the opportunity to use these talents at work and make the most of them?
What do want to know more about?
Think about the things you want to learn more about and the new skills you want to acquire. Following up on these can also ignite a sense of purpose.
What motivates you?
What motivates you is a good indication of where your sense of purpose lies. There are two types of motivation – extrinsic and intrinsic. As the names imply, what is extrinisic is motivation that comes from outside, such as money or a promotion. Intrinsic motivation is what comes from inside. It’s what drives you because it’s something you want. And it is this kind of motivation that aligns with your sense of purpose.
What’s important to you?
In other words, what are your core values? What defines your character and your moral code? The answers to these questions will also help you to define your sense of purpose. Your values guide your behavior and your outlook on life.
When does work not seem like work?
In other words, what do you enjoy doing so much that you get lost in the activity, that you lose the sense of time or even of the outside world? You become so immersed in what you’re doing that it totally occupies all of your attention. This too is an indicator of what you see as your purpose.
Looking for an Insurance Job With a Purpose?
If your company is growing and looking for new people, Insurance Relief can find the top-notch professionals you need. We are one of the best in the business, winning a Best in Staffing award for our accomplishments. At Insurance Relief, we care about the people we recruit as individuals. We provide job opportunities that fit, and we treat our people with respect and fairness. Give us a call today.