New to the Job? How to Leave a Great Impression Right Away

You have just landed your first – or tenth– job. Congratulations!

Whether this is your first job out of college or you’re a seasoned pro at this “new job thing,” the question you might be asking yourself is “Now what? How can I make the most of this new opportunity?”

Here are six things to keep in mind to make the biggest impact in your new job.

  • Be mindful of your attitude.
    One of the most common complaints about anyone starting a new job is that they come in with the attitude: “This is the way we did it at my old company – and it was a better way.” Remember that you have to earn your new colleagues’ respect and trust. So be careful that you don’t come across as arrogant or condescending.


  • Learn who has the (real) power.
    How do things work at the company? Who really calls the shots? Who wields a lot of power and influence? Is the company more of a strict hierarchy, where decisions are made at the top and everyone is expected to follow without question, or is there more of a collegial atmosphere, where decision making is more of a group activity?


  • What is the company’s culture?
    What values are important at the company? What is the mission of the company, and what are its goals? What do the leaders of the company value and what do they want the company to represent? Every organization has written and unwritten rules. The first are easy to learn, the latter take a little more digging to uncover.


  • Find out about yourself.
    Your new job is an opportunity for you to learn more about yourself as well. You can find out more about what your strengths and weaknesses are and what is really important to you. You can learn what really energizes you and what you find boring.


  • Learn new skills.
    You’ll undoubtedly learn a few new things at a new job. But you can take it even further – and make a great impression – by volunteering for projects or other assignments that look interesting to you and force you to stretch and challenge yourself. There will also be professional development opportunities for you to take advantage of, both inside and outside of the company.


  • Get feedback.
    After a couple of months, ask to meet with your boss and ask how he or she thinks you’re doing. Are you meeting – or exceeding – expectations? If not, take care of any issues right away before they grow. If possible, aim to do more than is required of you. Go-getters always make a good impression.

Whether you’re just out of college and are interested in learning more about a career in insurance, or you’re a seasoned insurance professional looking for that next career opportunity, we can help. Send your resume to the insurance recruiters at Insurance Relief™. We look forward to hearing from you.