5 Smart Tips for Reentering the Workforce After a Career Gap

There may be many reasons for an extended period of unemployment – a layoff, personal or family accident or illness, childrearing or childbirth, or even a natural disaster. But now, you are ready to reenter the workforce. The problem is, it gets a little trickier when you have been out of it for some time. Employers are a little more wary of hiring people with extended periods of unemployment, fearing an erosion of their skills.
Here are some tips for getting back into things.
1. Sharpen your focus
Before you start sending out resumes, you need to do a little personal assessment of your situation. What is it exactly that you want to do? Do you want to pick up in the same job where you left off, or look for something a little different? Do you need any training to get caught up or to prepare for a job change? You need to be clear about your goals.
2. Work on your resume and cover letter
Focus on skills and accomplishments rather than dates. Add any skills you may have learned during your absence. The cover letter is the more appropriate place to explain the gap in your work history, why it occurred, and what you did during that time.
Don’t try to avoid it, or prevaricate about it. It is nothing to be embarrassed about. Address it directly and focus on what you accomplished during the gap time.
3. Start networking
You can get back into the swing of things by tapping into social media, such as LinkedIn, joining professional associations, attending events, volunteering, and doing informational interviews.
You should also reconnect with those already in your network to engage in shop talk with them and let them know about your intentions.
And consider part-time or contract work to help you get back into the workforce. They can help you sharpen your skills and develop contacts.
4. Put together your elevator pitch
This is a 30-second summary of what you have to offer a company – what makes you the best person for the job. It includes a brief overview of your skills and accomplishments.
You should practice it until you can deliver it smoothly and effortlessly.
5. Use a career coach
Yes, they cost money. But they can be a big help in starting and refining your job search, as well as preparing you for interviews. And if they help you land a job, it will be well worth the cost.
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