Are You in Love with Your Job?

Do you love your job? Do you wake up each morning just raring to go to the office? Do you get excited when you talk about what you do for your clients? Do Fridays get you down (instead of Mondays) because you just enjoy your work so much you hate to leave it for the weekend?

You may think that such a feeling about one’s work is impossible to achieve. But, while no job or career is perfect and all jobs have really bad or terrible days, it is possible to have a job that delights you 80 or 90 percent of the time.

Read below for the key attributes of such jobs and tips on how to find them within the insurance sector.

As hinted about above, a great job makes you excited to actually go to it. You look forward to heading from home to your office to do the things you were hired to do with the people who work alongside you.

  • A great job also uses your best strengths. Someone who hates speaking in front of others probably will loathe a position that entails speaking up in meetings or even – gulp! – speaking in front of groups. Yet a position that entails sitting at a desk most of the day, interacting with relatively few people could be a great joy for a shy person, or someone who prefers working with her mind (such as an accountant or actuary).
  • A great job also allows you to exhibit competency within it (you can do the things that need to be done) but it also requires you to stretch a bit, to do things that you may not (yet) excel at and which make you nervous. Too much of the former could mean you become bored and too much of the latter can cause an inordinate amount of stress.
  • A good job also provides opportunities for learning and advancement. Dead end jobs can become stifling and unbearable fast.
  • A good job also offers flexibility. Need to take off an hour or so early to watch your child’s soccer game? A good job understands that workers have personal lives and allows for some flexibility for their personal needs.
  • A good job gives you a sense of being in a community, even if you work by yourself. Solo workers can get this feeling by being in a position to help others, while the rest of us can get that community fix by working with friendly and cooperative co-workers.

To find these great jobs within the insurance industry, start with your network. Join LinkedIn and join one to three insurance-related groups that are active there. Contribute to the conversation within them.

Reach out to new and old connections you have on the networking site. Let them know (and you can always ask them to be discreet, if necessary), that you’re looking for a new opportunity and ask if they have any leads. You could then contact these leads to see about a meeting to discuss opportunities at their firm.

When you meet, you’ll want to ask questions regarding the company culture, opportunities for growth and advancement. You’ll want to give some background on your skills and experience and ask where in the company your contact thinks your skills could best be served.

Another great way to find a good job within the insurance industry is to send your resume to a recruiter at Insurance Relief™. We can help you land great temporary and even direct-hire positions with some of the best insurance firms to be found. Contact us today.