Dealing With Declining Application Rates

Your company has open positions to fill, and the firm has been advertising them as it has in the past, but the response has been less than satisfying. You’re not getting the number of applications that you would like. What can you do to improve the response? Here are a few ideas.
Benchmark your pay
To attract job candidates, you need to make sure you are offering a competitive package of salary and benefits. You need to review your salary scales on a regular basis to make sure that they are in line with your competitors.
And to attract the best candidates, you should offer compensation packages that are among the best in your industry.
Benchmark your position description
To attract job candidates, you need to make your job descriptions interesting, informative, and easy to read. Often companies don’t give job descriptions the attention they deserve, and the result is a rather dull, lifeless laundry list of the duties, responsibilities, and skills required of the job.
To make the description more interesting, you need to play up the good things about the job, the kinds of challenges and responsibilities it offers, as well as how it contributes to the mission and goals of the company. The job description should also include information about the company itself, what makes it unique, and why a person would want to work there.
The description should also include an accurate review of the actual skills needed to do the job. Often companies will simply recycle old job descriptions, listing skills that are no longer needed. Before posting a job description, people familiar with the position need to put together a list of skills that are up to date.
Develop a strong employee value proposition
An employee value proposition is a description of what your company can offer a person in return for their work. It is a statement that defines the essential nature of your company, what makes it unique, and what defines its values.
Your company website should have this employee value proposition prominently displayed for job seekers who visit.
Direct recruit people already working
To increase applicants, you need to be going after passive job candidates as well, people who may not be actively looking for employment but who may consider applying with the right incentives.
You can find these candidates by searching through social media sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook, networking through professional organizations, and using an employee referral system at your company.
Recruit 24/7
Recruiting should be an ongoing process, not something that you do only when you have an opening. You need to put together a database of possible job candidates that you can go to when you need to hire new people.
Need help hiring?
If your company is growing and looking for new people, Insurance Relief can find the top-notch professionals you need. We are one of the best in the business, winning a Best in Staffing award for our accomplishments. At Insurance Relief, we care about the people we recruit as individuals. We provide job opportunities that fit, and we treat our people with respect and fairness. Give us a call today