Hiring Better Talent in a Virtual World Starts with the Employee Experience

candidate experience

If you want to hire the best people, you need to make sure you give them a good impression of your company during the hiring process. It is important that they have a good experience as a job candidate if you want them to become an employee.

How a company treats job candidates is often a reflection of how it treats its employees, how the company values its workers, and the kind of experience it offers them. If a person is treated well as a candidate, they will see the company as a good place to work.

Here are some ways to improve your companyā€™s candidate experience.

1. Communication

Communicate often with job candidates. They should know at each phase where they are in the process, what is coming next, how long it is expected to take, and how many other people are still in the mix. They should not be left hanging, wondering what is going on. You need to check with them often to see what questions or concerns they have.

You also need to be transparent with candidates. They need to know about all of the job elements, even those they may not find so exciting. Some human resource people also advocate talking about salary early in the process to make sure everyone is on the same page.

2. Courtesy

Don’t waste candidates’ time by making them wait after they arrive for an interview or a meeting, for example, or delay in returning phone calls.

Be prepared for the interview by reviewing their resume and cover letter beforehand. Have questions ready.

3. The hiring process

The process itself should be as painless as possible for the candidates. Too often, companies make it seem like an obstacle course. Applications are needlessly long and involved, candidates have to interview with too many people, and the entire process takes longer than it should.

Companies need to set a time frame for the amount of time the process will take and then stick to it.

4. Solicit feedback

You should get feedback from the job candidates as well. Find out what they thought of the experience and how they felt they were treated. Is there anything they would change?

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