Keep Your Employees Motivated During the Busy Holiday Season by Doing This

holiday motivation

Employee motivation and productivity always seem to sag a little around the holidays. It’s no surprise, there are a lot of distractions during this time of year. People are buying gifts, preparing for holiday parties, and getting ready for family gatherings.

So what can you do as an employer to try and curtail this productivity drop-off around the holidays? Here are a few ideas.

1. Plan ahead

Before the holiday season begins, meet with your staff to go over what goals you have for this time and what tasks and projects you want to complete. Then plan exactly how you will go about achieving those goals and who will be doing what so that there is built-in accountability.

2. Keep things flexible

Go over peopleā€™s plans for the holidays and their schedules so that you don’t end up shorthanded at any point. Also, give your people a little more flexibility during the holidays so that they can take care of all their personal obligations they have around this time. If they need to come into work a little later or take time off during the day, you should give them the flexibility to do this and allow them to make the time up later.

This will help to maintain motivation and productivity.

3. Celebrate the season

The holidays are a special time of year for most people, and you should celebrate this time in the workplace to help keep employees motivated. For example, you can do Secret Santa exchanges, put up some decorations around the office, and provide some holiday treats, as well as having the traditional holiday party.

4. Give rewards and recognition

The holidays are a good time to show your appreciation to your employees with such items as holiday cards thanking them for their hard work or small gifts to recognize their efforts.

Research has shown that even little gestures like these that recognize the efforts and contributions of your workers can give employee engagement and morale a big boost.

Keep Up the Motivation

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