Landing a Long Distance Job

So, you want to find a new job, and you have a desire to travel. You would like to try working in another state, or across the country. What can you do to give yourself the best chance of getting a job in a different location? Here are a few tips.

Understand that you have raised your degree of difficulty.

Getting hired long distance is even more difficult than finding a job locally. Companies are understandably a little wary of someone applying from far away. What happens if they relocate and don’t like the new area? Then there are the difficulties in interviewing. Realize that you have set the job search bar pretty high, and are going to have to work that much harder.

Use your network.

You know how important networking is to finding a job, and it’s even more important now. The wider your network, the greater the odds someone you know will have a contact(s) in the geographical area where you want to work, or even at the company you want to work for, and can provide valuable advice and information.

Also, try to build your network in the area to which you plan to move. Look at professional associations in your field of work. See if there are any alumni from your university in the area.

Be flexible.

The company you are applying to may want to do a telephone interview with you because of the distance involved. Or, the company may want you to submit a video interview. Be prepared for these situations and be ready to respond.

Do your research.

In this case, you will need to do quite a bit of research. You naturally want to learn as much as you can about the area to which you will be moving. Start by reading the local newspaper to learn about the area and to find out about local business and hiring trends.

Then, research companies that might be of interest to you. Or, if you know where you want to work, research the company thoroughly.

Make some scouting trips to the area.

You should plan to make at least two trips – the first to find out more about the area, and try to grow your network there; the second for interviews.

If you are an experienced insurance professional and are looking for a job, Insurance Reliefβ„’ can help find the right job for you. Give us a call today