Obtaining Effective Employment References

Obtaining good references is a crucial aspect of the job search process because they can provide potential employers with valuable insights into your skills, work ethic, and character. Here’s how to go about getting good references for a job:
Choose the Right References
Select people who can speak knowledgeably and positively about your qualifications and work performance. Consider former supervisors, colleagues, mentors, or clients who are familiar with your work and can provide examples of your abilities. Ideally, choose references that address different aspects of your professional skills and character.
Ask for Permission
Before listing someone as a reference, get their permission and confirm their willingness to provide a positive recommendation. Reach out to each potential reference individually, either in person, by phone, or via email, and explain the position you’re applying for and why you believe they would be a valuable reference for you.
Provide Context and Information
Help your references by providing them with information about the job you’re applying for, your accomplishments and responsibilities in previous roles, and any specific skills or qualities you’d like them to highlight. Include a copy of your resume and a brief summary of the job description to help them tailor their responses.
Maintain Relationships
Stay in touch with your references even when you’re not actively job searching. Keep them updated on your career progress, achievements, and professional development. Building and maintaining strong relationships with your references ensures that they remain engaged and willing to vouch for you when needed.
Follow Up and Express Gratitude
After using someone as a reference, follow up with them to thank them for their support and provide them with an update on the outcome of your job application. Express your gratitude for their time and assistance, and let them know how much you appreciate their endorsement.
Consider Alternative References
If you’re a recent graduate or have limited work experience, consider using academic or volunteer references who can speak to your skills, character, and potential. Choose people who can provide insights into your academic achievements, leadership abilities, or contributions to community or extracurricular activities.
Maintain Professionalism
Ensure that your references are professional and reliable people who will represent you positively to potential employers. Avoid using friends or family members as references unless they can speak to your professional qualifications and work ethic.
If you are an insurance professional, it is in your best interest to partner with a staffing expert that understands your unique skills and needs.
Insurance Relief is an expert with vast experience in the insurance industry. Insurance Relief works with brokers, carriers, and third-party administrators to locate and place the best people for positions in the industry, ranging from entry-level to senior management. We invest the time to really understand what you want to accomplish and then work our hardest to find you meaningful opportunities. Give Insurance Relief a call today.