Your Pre-Interview Checklist To Make Sure You’re Prepared

Job interviews are stressful. The best way to reduce the stress and feel confident going in is to be prepared. Here is a checklist of things to do to make sure you are prepared for the job interview.

Research the company

This should be a no-brainer. You certainly aren’t going to do well at the interview if you don’t know anything about the company. You need to look at the annual report, the company website, and other news articles about the company to learn about its operation, its financial situation, and its culture.

Research the hiring manager

Find out what you can about the person or persons who will be interviewing you. You may discover things that you have in common with them and that will enable you to establish a rapport with them during the interview.


Review some of the most common questions asked during an interview and develop some idea of how you will answer these questions. You don’t need to memorize your answer word for word, but you should have some idea of how you are going to approach the question.

Practice responding to questions with a friend or colleague.

Prepare your apparel

Generally, it’s still a good idea to wear a suit and tie to a job interview. It’s also a good idea to lay out your clothing the night before so that you have everything you need ready to go the next morning, and you won’t waste time looking for things.

Also, make sure you are neatly groomed and that your shoes are shined.

Get a good nightā€™s rest

You want to be alert and thinking clearly during the interview, so getting a good night’s sleep is important. You should also check the route you will be taking to the company site to see how long it will take you so that you will be sure to arrive at least 10 to 15 minutes early.

Have questions

Make sure you have questions prepared that you can ask the interviewer about the company or the job.

Schedule time with an Insurance Relief recruiter

If you are an insurance professional, it is in your best interest to partner with a staffing expert that understands your unique skills and needs. Insurance Relief is that expert, with vast experience in the insurance industry. Insurance Relief works with brokers, carriers, and third-party administrators to locate and place the best people for positions in the industry ranging from entry-level to senior management. We invest the time to really understand what you want to accomplish and then work our hardest to find you meaningful opportunities. Give Insurance Relief a call today.